
林振慶老師實驗室主要進行計算及網路生物學研究。研究方向為利用計算機科學技術結合數學理論去發展方法,例如:發展機器學習演算法去找出cancer hallmark genes; 另外,林老師除了發展方法外,也將這些方法應用在網路生物學上,透過結合癌症生物學的知識來探討癌症發展的複雜機制,例如:利用基因調控網路找出癌細胞如何逃避細胞凋亡的機制和發展免疫編輯來躲過免疫系統的監控和攻擊。


Computational Biology, Precision Medicine, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology





The Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Chicago; Genomic Research Center, Academia Sinica. 博士後研究

Department of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University. 博士後研究

Institute of Biomedical Informatics, National Yang-Ming University. 助理教授


Biological network analysis

Transcriptomics data analysis

Data science and machine learning


  1. Le Duc, D., Velluva, A., Cassatt-Johnstone, M., Olsen, R.A., Baleka, S., Lin, C.C., Lemke, J.R., Southon, J.R., Burdin, A., Wang, M.S., et al. (2022). Genomic basis for skin phenotype and cold adaptation in the extinct Steller’s sea cow. Sci Adv 8, eabl6496.
  2. Yu, W.H., Hsu, C.L., Lin, C.C., Oyang, Y.J., Juan, H.F., and Huang, H.C. (2022). Stratification of lncRNA modulation networks in breast cancer. BMC Med Genomics 14, 300.
  3. Hsieh, F.M., Lai, S.T., Wu, M.F., and Lin, C.C. (2021). Identification and Elucidation of the Protective isomiRs in Lung Cancer Patient Prognosis. Front Genet 12, 702695.
  4. Le Duc, D., Lin, C.C., Popkova, Y., Yang, Z., Akhil, V., Cakir, M.V., Grunewald, S., Simon, J.C., Dietz, A., Dannenberger, D., et al. (2021). Reduced lipolysis in lipoma phenocopies lipid accumulation in obesity. Int J Obes (Lond) 45, 565-576.
  5. Sahu, D., Chang, Y.L., Lin, Y.C., and Lin, C.C. (2021). Characterization of the Survival Influential Genes in Carcinogenesis. Int J Mol Sci 22.
  6. Velluva, A., Radtke, M., Horn, S., Popp, B., Platzer, K., Gjermeni, E., Lin, C.C., Lemke, J.R., Garten, A., Schoneberg, T., et al. (2021). Phenotype-tissue expression and exploration (PTEE) resource facilitates the choice of tissue for RNA-seq-based clinical genetics studies. BMC Genomics 22, 802.
  7. Chen, Y.R., Huang, H.C., and Lin, C.C. (2019). Regulatory feedback loops bridge the human gene regulatory network and regulate carcinogenesis. Brief Bioinform 20, 976-984.

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